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The State Vigilance has a sanctioned strength of one Director, three Addl. D.G.P./I.G.P/D.I.G.P, one A.I.G.P, 10 Ss.P, 16 Addl. SsP, 63 DSs.P, 157 Inspectors, 10 Sub Inspectors, 57 ASIs and 821 supporting staff.
State Vigilance functions as a part of the State Secretariat which is directly functioning under the control of the Chief Minister. All the files sent to the Chief Minister are routed through the Chief Secretary of the State.

The Director of the State Vigilance is the ex‐officio Principal Secretary, General Administration (Vigilance) Department. The Addl. DGP / I.G.P is the ex‐officio Special Secretary and DIGs are the ex‐officio Additional Secretary to the Government, General Administration (Vigilance) Department. Depending on the rank of the Officer, the AIGP and S.P.(Coordination) are the ex‐officio Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary to Govt.
He is the Chief of the Vigilance Department. There is no Vigilance Commission in the State. The Director is vested with the powers of the I.G. under the Police Act, 1861. He is also Ex‐officio Principal Secretary /Special Secretary to Government in General Administration (Vigilance) Department as per the rank. He is assisted by one IG, two DIGs and one AIG as per sanctioned strength. Presently, the Director, Vigilance is of the rank of Director General of Police and ex‐officio Principal Secretary to Government, G.A.(Vigilance) Department and being assisted by one Addl. DGP and DIGP.
The entire State has been divided into two Ranges and each Range is divided into 3 divisions. Each Division has few units and squads roughly corresponding to each revenue district under it, which take up field level inquiries, investigations and collection of intelligence. The distribution of units and squads is as under:
Further, Vigilance Cell which is dealing with corruption matters at high places and taking up important enquiries and investigations, its jurisdiction include the entire area of state of Odisha.

Wings of the Vigilance Directorate.

The different Wings of the Directorate and their functions are as under :-


Policy and Coordination.


Coordination ‘A’ - Liaison with the Press, Preparation of Press Notes, Monthly and Quarterly Achievement reports and submission of the same to various quarters.
.ii. Coordination ‘B’ - Assembly and Parliament matters, Vigilance clearance reports, Compilation of Vigilance Bulletin and Vigilance Gazette.
iii Coordination ‘C’ - Indexing, Preparation of monthly performance reports of all sections of Vigilance Directorate, submission of monthly reports to C.B.I./N.C.R.B. etc. It also deals with receipt and despatch of letters.
iv. Coordination ‘RA’(Research & Analysis) - Liaison with Heads of Departments, C.V.Os. of Government departments / PSUs on internal Vigilance / Preventive Vigilance, correspondence with C.V.C./ C.B.I./ Lokpal, Observance of Vigilance Awareness week , conduct of in-service training.
2. Prosecution Cell :
Processing appointment of Standing Counsels, Spl.P.Ps., prosecution of cases, functioning of Special Courts pertaining to confiscation of D.A. and miscellaneous correspondence with Government and Law Department, office of Advocate General. High Court matters, liaison with the office of Sr. Standing Counsel, Vigilance, O/o the Advocate General and Co-ordinating with the Link offices, O/o S.P. Vigilance Cell of the Directorate for different informations and datas.
3. Link Offices :
  Maintain liaison with Divisional offices and officers to monitor progress and finalisation of Vigilance investigations of cases and inquiries as well as preventive and enforcement action of the respective Divisions.
4. Special Unit :
  Apart from collecting intelligence about corruption at high places and taking up important inquiries and investigation it works as the Internal Vigilance Wing of the Vigilance Organisation. It is presently functioning at State Secretariate, Bhubaneswar. S.P, Vigilance Cell is looking after day-to-day functioning of the Unit.
5. General Administration Branch :
i. Establishment Section.
  Deals with administration and establishment matter including those relating to training, discipline, Court / Tribunal matters.
ii. Accounts section
  Deals with budget accounting and financial administration.
iii. General Section.
  Deals with personnel affairs, building programmes, welfare activities etc.
iv. Issue section.
  Deals with all despatches pertaining to General Section, Account Section and Establishment Section of the Directorate.
6. Library.
  With a collection of about 6,394 nos. of books and 2,550 nos. Of Journals / periodicals of professional interest, the library provides useful support to the investigating and supervising officers. In the year, 2015, all the books and journals have been computerised by the e-granthalaya soft ware of NIC India. All the Court Judgements (Supeme Court/ Odisha High Court) from 1935 till date are available in the digital library for the use of Vigilance Officers and Men.
7. Reserve Office
  Deals with mobilization and duty distribution among officers/men of the rank of Inspector of Police and below, purchases and maintenance of stores etc. This section also looks after safety and security of the premises of Vigilance Directorate.
8. Motor Vehicle.
  Deals with the maintenance of the Motor Vehicle fleet of the Directorate.
9. Record Room
  The record room of this Directorate preserves very sensitive and important old records concerning Vigilance cases and Administrative matters as per the record manual.  
Besides, the staff as mentioned above, the Vigilance Directorate has the following supportive Wings:-
As per Vigilance circular order No.1/07. A prosecution wing has been created during the year‐2007.The wing is headed by a Legal Advisor in the rank of District Judge/Addl. District Judge. The main functions of the prosecution wing is:‐
  • To process files for appointment of Standing Counsels, Addl. Stnding Counsels and Public Prosecutors Vigilance for Hon’ble High Court and different Vigilance Courts respectively.
  • To initiate files for opening of New Vigilance Courts and their jurisdiction.
  • To process matters for transfer of cases from Spl.Judge Vigilance Courts to Special courts and for filing of Confiscation proceedings in the Authorised Courts.
  • To scrutinize fee bill files submitted by Vigilance Counsels, Public Prosecutors of Spl.Courts and Authorised Courts.
  • To process files for filing of SLPs in Spl. Courts matters.
  • To receive requisitions from the Hon’ble High Court, Odisha and ensure their distribution to the concerned Divisions/ Sections for timely compliance.
To prepare crime figures pertaining to under trial cases and cases disposed of for quarterly Crime Review Meeting.
Besides the Legal Adviser, a panel of Vigilance counsels consisting of a Senior Standing Counsel, three Standing Counsels and three addl. Standing counsels are there for prosecution of Vigilance cases in the Hon'ble High Court, Odisha. There are 23 P.Ps (Public Prosecutor) / Spl. P.Ps / Addl. PP/Addl. Special P.Ps/ Asstt. P.P. working in the 17 Courts of Special Judges, Vigilance. 2 Special Courts and 2 Courts of Authorized Officer and 1 in the Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate to conduct prosecution in Vigilance cases registered under P.C. Act and other IPC offences.
The courts of Special Judge Vigilance Courts are situated 2 at Cuttack, 3 at Bhubaneswar and 1 each at Berhampur, Sambalpur, Jeypore, Bolangir, Balasore, Bhawanipatna, Keonjhar, Angul, Dhenkanal, Sundergarh, Phulbani and Baripada. Besides there are two Special courts and 2 Authorise officers courts functioning one each at Cuttack and Bhubaneswar exclusively to try DA (Disproportionate Assets) cases against high political and high public officials.
State Vigilance deals primarily with prevention and detection of Corruption and in the process contributes in good governance.
Technical Wing in Vigilance Directorate is under the charge of Superintending Engineer who is assisted by an Executive Engineer, Asst. Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineers and Junior Engineers. The Technical officers of the Wing are being utilised for technical evaluation of buildings, roads, bridges and construction works at the stage of enquiry / investigation
Consequent upon implementation of Goods & Service Tax, the Commercial Tax Wing functioning under Vigilance Directorate has been converted into a specialized Finance Wing vide Govt in Finance Department Resolution No‐36134/F Dated 20‐11‐2018. The basic duties assigned to the Officers posted in the Finance Wing are to assist the Vigilance Investigating Officers in quantifying the amount of financial irregularities committed by suspecting officers/agencies/ offices against whom proceedings have been initiated either through audit reports/DA cases/allegation petitions/ investigation/recommendation of Director, Vigilance. Besides the above, the officers posted to Finance Wing are to act as Financial Advisors in the Vigilance Directorate as well as in Vigilance Divisions in matter of procurement and other financial matters. The total sanctioned strength of Finance Officers posted to Vigilance Organization is Thirty‐Four, ranging from Addl Secretary Rank Officer of OFS Cadre to officers of OT&AS & OSFS Cadres.
Government in Forest Department vide Letter No.172/179/27386 FFAH dated. 30.10.1979 has approved the creation of Forest Wing in Vigilance Organisation. The broad objectives are
  • Collection of intelligence on corruption in the Department.
  • Conduct surprise forest raid in vulnerable areas.
  • Render Technical opinion and assistance to Vigilance officers.
For examination of the questioned documents this Organisation has a Document Examination Cell functioning at Vigilance Directorate, which furnishes expert opinion after examination of questioned documents in various vigilance cases and enquiries.
The Statistical Cell in the Directorate of Vigilance, Odisha is managed by two officers i.e., (a) One Joint Director (b) One Statistical Officer. The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Statistical Cell.
  • Estimation of Per Capita as well as Household Consumer Expenditure (Non verifiable items) in respect of D.A cases are being made on the basis of the requisitions i.e., on the basis of Income Particulars of the S.Os and of his family members furnished by the different Divisional Ss.P. / I.Os.
  • In D.A. cases, Block wise / District wise Yield Rate (qtls/hect) pertaining to some major crops and Average Wholesale Price (Rs./Qtls) thereof in respect of the crops raised in the agricultural land of the S.O and of his family members are being furnished to the I.Os on the basis their requisitions for calculation of Agricultural Income at their level.
  • Due scrutiny of various items under the Statement of Assets, Expenditure and Income pertaining to DR/ER /IR in DA cases are being made and necessary observations are being given to facilitate for passing suitable order in the concerned cases by the authority.
  • Attend the summons of Vigilance Courts at regular intervals as witness pertaining to the documents prepared on DA cases
A Photo Cell is functioning at the Vigilance Directorate and same is looked after mostly by one officer of the rank of Inspector of Photo. During investigation and search / seizure, the photographs of the projects/worksites and the buildings/properties related to DA Cases are taken. These photographs/video clips are being utilised during the trial for better appreciation of evidence by the trying court.
As a part of modernisation & e‐Governance programme of State Govt. all the officers have been given a Personal Computer. All the Divisions and Units have been provided with Computers with Internet facilities. A computer Cell is functioning at the Directorate. The Data pertaining to all the Vigilance Cases and enquiries are stored in Computers for immediate reference and retrieval.The names of the public servants under Vigilance Scan are also stored in the Computer to facilitate in verification of antecedents.
Government approved establishment of State Vigilance Academy at Bhubaneswar in order to upgrade the knowledge and skills of Vigilance officers on a continuous basis, so that they maintain their professional edge in investigation/enquiry of complicated cases/enquiries. The State Vigilance Academy was established on 28.11.2018 and started functioning in Bhubaneswar Vigilance Divisional office premises at Surya Nagar, Bhubaneswar. The Academy is first of its kind in the sense that it is the first exclusively anti‐corruption training Academy for any state in the country. The officers of Odisha Vigilance were previously sent for training mostly to CBI Academy, Ghaziabad and Central Detective Training Schools under BPR&D. There was a need for having a dedicated anti‐corruption training Academy for the Vigilance Organisation to impart induction training to police officers inducted into Vigilance on deputation from police department, Public Prosecutors and Standing Counsels of Vigilance Department and Chief Vigilance Officers of various departments and State Public Sector Undertakings of Government of Odisha. This requires exposure and training in such areas as Cyber Forensics, Cell Phone Forensics, transactions in financial markets, transactions by non‐banking financial institutions, use of advanced technologies and social media, interaction with various investigative and enforcement agencies like CBI,ED, Income Tax Department, FIU(Financial Intelligence Unit), DRI (Directorate of Revenue Intelligence), SFIO (Serious Fraud Investigation Office) etc. The Vigilance Academy provides the required exposure and training in the above areas. Besides, the Academy also imparts training on specialized laws like new Companies Act, 2013, FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act),1999, PMLA(Prevention of Money Laundering Act), 2002, Prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act, 1998, Whistle Blower’s Protection Act, 2011 etc. as well as on recent judgments of Supreme Court and High Court and conduct training courses for investigators, prosecutors and Chief Vigilance Officers of various Government Departments, Heads of Departments and State‐run PSUs. The details of the functioning of State Vigilance Academy can be found out from the website http://sva.odisha.gov.in